Following Jesus in Korea

We are delighted to announce that Alison Morgan’s book Following Jesus: The Plural of disciple is church has been translated into Korean by Jinsun Kim and published by Timothy Publishing House in Seoul.
It can be previewed and ordered via their website – and there is also a presentation on YouTube.

“A deep study of the church and discipleship, explored through a scholarly lens, bears witness to why our faith must be rooted in our communities and why the church must be at its center. For Jesus, discipleship was a communal process, not an individual one. Through this book, we will take a new step toward restoring the lost essence of discipleship, and dream of a community as solid as the branches of a vine.”

Timothy Publishing House

“I have been using Following Jesus for the last 3 years in my course ‘Learning to Teach; Teaching to Disciple’ at Tyndale Seminary. Following Jesus has an important message for many, not just in Korea but also in many other parts of Asia.”

Dr Yau Man Siew, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, Tyndale Seminary, Toronto

About the translator

Jinsun Kim majored in English education and minored in philosophy at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. His books include “Jesus, the Power of His Name”, “Preaching, Walking with Patience”, “Fruitless Ministry: Examine the Seven Things”, “The Church of Generational Unity” (Timothy), “UBC Bible Commentary” series (Bible Union), “Speaking of Christian Identity” (Potter), and many others.
The English edition can be ordered from our Publications page.