Support us

The Mathetes Trust is a registered UK charity which exists to encourage Christian discipleship in the local church, both in the UK and in Africa through our longstanding Rooted in Jesus programme. We are reliant on donations from individuals and churches to fund our work, particularly in Africa where the hunger for discipleship is huge but financial resources are very low.

Rooted in Jesus

Rooted in Jesus provides ordinary African churches with a practical and interactive discipleship programme for small groups. Translated into 47 languages and now in use in 18 countries, including some of the poorest in the world, RinJ has helped churches to build strong fellowships of confident Christians who can teach others. You can provide crucial support for those using Rooted in Jesus by joining our prayer team or by contributing to the cost of providing training and materials. Find out more here.

Making disciples in the UK

Within the UK we provide training and teams for local missions; support for church leaders through our EQUIP programme; and resource materials to support the ministry of the local church. We travel light – but we need your help if we are to work in the places that most need us. If you would like to join our prayer team, get involved with us on the road or help us out financially we would be delighted to hear from you.

How you can help

If you would like to support us financially you can do so in the following ways:
1. Set up a regular payment to us by Standing Order. You can do this online or by filling in a Standing Order form and taking it to your bank. The form includes a Gift Aid option which enables us to reclaim an extra 25% from HMRC if you are a taxpayer – please let us have a copy. Regular payments, however modest, help us to budget. 
2. Make a donation online by using the orange Charities Aid Foundation button – either a one-off or as a regular contribution. If you are a taxpayer Gift Aid will be automatically added to your donation.
3. Make a donation by bank transfer, and if you are a taxpayer please send us a completed Gift Aid form. 
4. Send us a cheque and, if you are a taxpayer, a completed Gift Aid form. We will do the rest.
5. Support us through Amazon. If you buy from Amazon, you can nominate a charity to receive a small donation from Amazon each time you make a purchase, at no extra cost to yourself. All you need to do is shop via instead of via, and choose your charity (just once). They do the rest!


Everything we do is underpinned by prayer. We publish a regular prayer diary, and we have a team of people who support our missions in prayer. If you would like to join this team please let us know.


The Mathetes Trust is a registered UK charity.
We exist to advance Christian discipleship through training, support
and provision of resource materials to churches, church leaders and
church members in the UK, Africa and elsewhere in the world.

All rights reserved
© The Mathetes Trust 2016
Reg charity no.1169869