Talking about the weather

As we sweat our way through a tropical September, the weather has become something of a hot topic. But September is also the time which as a church we have come to know as Creationtide. It runs from 1st September to the feast day of St Francis of Assisi on 4th October. It’s a time when as a church we focus on our Christian responsibility to care for creation.
Alison Morgan was delighted to be invited by the Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) to contribute an article to help us think about creation and our place within it. It’s just been published – if you’d like to read it, it’s here.
If you would like to reflect more on the created world, what it tells us about God and how it can serve as a language to help us engage with him, you may also like to look at:
World Turned Upside Down – Alison’s book on the Psalms, published by BRF earlier this year. It has two chapters which look at the created world through the eyes of the Psalmists: ‘Who is God?’ and ‘Connecting with God.’ It’s available from our publications page, or from BRF (where you will also find the latest reviews). Alison’s other writings on creation can be accessed via her website, where she also explains how she expresses her own care for creation in practical ways on the Somerset Levels and Moors.
Season of Renewal – our long-running and popular Lent course by Bill Goodman & Alison Morgan. Taking its starting point from the role of the Holy Spirit in bringing renewal to the created world, and looking to find that same refreshment in our own lives, Season of Renewal is a six week course, of which five are before Easter and one, pointing forward to Pentecost, after Easter. It’s available from our publications page – and we are currently working on a digital edition for next year. If you’d like to know more, do drop us a line.
Ever since the creation of the world his eternal power and divine nature, invisible though they are, have been understood and seen through the things he has made. Romans 1.20